Step 1: Update your dashboard
Head into your Freelance Writer’s Dashboard and update your client roster.
Make sure you list every client and…
- how much time you spend on working with them each month (if it varies a lot, I’d recommend putting the highest number of hours here)
- how much money you usually earn from them each month (if it varies a lot, I’d recommend putting the lowest amount you’ve earned here for now)
- How much you make from them hourly (again estimate on average by dividing the amount you make by the number of hours you usually spend on them)
- How you feel about them (good, excited, content, bad, frustrated, etc.)
Once your dashboard is up to date, mark the clients that you’d like to change your relationship with by an emoji. I usually use the ❗️ or something like that…
You may want to…
- Raise your rates with them
- Replace them with a better client
- Drop them because they burn you out and make you emotionally not your best
- Change the scope of your contract
- Set better boundaries
Step 2: Update your budget and rates
Head over to the Rates Calculator and make sure your budget is up to date and your rates are accurate to what you need to be making.
Make a copy of this sheet:
MeltzerSeltzer - Rates Calculator - TEMPLATE