I want you to think - pie in the sky - what do you truly want?
Your goals are your WHY.
They’re the reason you’ll finish this course. They’re the reason you’ll work through the bumps in the road.
They’re what will keep you going when you inevitably wonder, “Why the fuck am I doing this?”
Freelance writing is great and it can open up incredible opportunities. But there will be times when it feels challenging. These goals are what will drive you to keep going.
Download the Notion app on your phone and think about it on a walk, on breaks at the gym, after a long drive, or while listening to your most inspirational playlist.
Let’s look at the two types of goals you should set to create your dream career and your ideal future.
I hope this resource provides you with the guidance, support, or inspiration you’re looking for on your journey to becoming a freelancer!
It takes time, resources, and expertise to create products that guide your steps to freelancer success. I trust that you’ll respect my time and effort by keeping this resource to yourself, for personal use only.
By purchasing or downloading this resource from The MeltzerSeltzer Store, you alone are granted access to the product. Not your new friend Hillary or your best friend Ted – just you. I trust that you understand that if you purchase or receive a resource from me, you are not permitted to share or distribute it.